Monday, February 4, 2008

Advantages of the relationship

MySQL and PHP as a pair have several advantages:
  • They’re free. It’s hard to beat free for cost-effectiveness.
  • They’re Web oriented. Both were designed specifically for use on Web sites. Both have a set of features focused on building dynamic Web sites.
  • They’re easy to use. Both were designed to get a Web site up quickly.
  • They’re fast. Both were designed with speed as a major goal. Together they provide one of the fastest ways to deliver dynamic Web pages to users.
  • They communicate well with one another. PHP has built-in features for communicating with MySQL. You don’t need to know the technical details; just leave it to PHP.
  • A wide base of support is available for both. Both have large user bases. Because they are often used as a pair, they often have the same user base. Many people are available to help, including those on e-mail discussion lists who have experience using MySQL and PHP together.
  • They’re customizable. Both are open source, thus allowing programmers to modify the PHP and MySQL software to fit their own specific environments.

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