Friday, March 14, 2008

What is character data?

The most common type of data is character data — data that is stored as strings of characters and can be manipulated only in strings. Most of the information that you store will be character data, such as customer name, address, phone, and pet description. Character data can be moved and printed. Two character strings can be put together (concatenated), a substring can be selected from a longer string, and one string can be substituted for another. Character data can be stored in a fixed-length or variable-length format.
  • Fixed-length format: In this format, MySQL reserves a fixed space for the data. If the data is longer than the fixed length, only the characters that fit are stored — the remaining characters on the end are not stored. If the string is shorter than the fixed length, the extra spaces are left empty and wasted.
  • Variable-length format: In this format, MySQL stores the string in a field that is the same length as the string. You specify a string length, but if the string is shorter than the specified length, MySQL uses only the space required rather than leaving the extra space empty. If the string is longer than the space specified, the extra characters are not stored.
If a character string length varies only a little, use the fixed-length format. For example, a length of 10 works for all zip codes, including those with the zip+4 number. If the zip code does not include the zip+4 number, only five spaces are left empty. However, if your character string can vary more than a few characters, use a variable-length format to save space. For example, your pet description might be Small bat or might run to several lines of description. It would be better to store this description in a variable-length format.

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